It’s Monday! What Are You Reading? #imwayr [10.25.21]

It’s Monday! What Are You Reading? originated as a meme that started by Shelia at Book Journeys, then it passed onto Kathryn at The Book Date. Then the Unleashing Readers, Jen Vincent, Teach Mentor Texts, and Kellee decided to give it a twist by having a #kidlit focus. So this is a time to share what you have been, currently are, and will be reading soon!

If you read and review books in children’s literature – picture books, early readers, chapter books, middle grade, young adult, or anything in those genres – then join us! This is also a great opportunity to see what others are reading and you might find your next “must-read” too!

If you join in the fun and you Tweet, tag your tweet with #imwayr!

It was a great week of getting caught up on some great books! I can’t believe this is the last week of October already either. I plan to finish up my two current reads and hopefully squeeze in another spooky read before it’s November next week. *Eek!*

Since many of you read middle grade books, I want to invite you all to tonight’s #MGBookChat on Twitter at 8pm CST. I am hosting tonight and we will be talking about tropes in #spookylit. So if you can, I’d be so thrilled to “see” you there tonight!

As for my surprise… one more week. I will share my big news on November 1st! If you are on Twitter, I’ll announce it this Friday.

Hope you all have a great week ahead and stay safe!

  • White Smoke by Tiffany D. Jackson
    • I think this is my third or fourth YA book that I’ve read and boy does this one have it all. 1) That cover is something otherworldly and ominous all in one. It’s just deliciously gorgeous. 2) The characters are so well-written and unique. I pictured the young stepsister, Piper, as the actress Amelie Bea Smith from The Haunting of Bly Manor. The smirks and overall vibe is so similar to girl she plays in that series! Another strongly-written character is Marigold, the main character, who is full of anxiety and has a huge phobia of bed bugs. She is strong-willed and wants to accept that change is good, change is necessary, and change is needed. 3) The setting! Marigold and her family move to Cedarville… for free, as long as they meet the requirements Sterling Foundation has laid out for the next three years. Only thing is that Marigold doesn’t have any neighbors… All the houses are old and dilapidated. Her own house is a little rough around the edges. Soon she finds out that it is apparently “haunted” and for some reason no one can get access to the basement. As the story keeps playing out you get more and more spooky vibes from the house and the history behind it. 4) THE ENDING! I am not going to ruin anything, but just know you will be left wanting more.
  • Weird Kid by Greg Van Eekhout
    • This was a quirky sci-fi that I listened to this week on my way to and from work. Jake is not from this world and is trying to figure out how to actually feel comfortable about who he is. He meets Agnes, who clearly is the perfect friend, because they are both so similar (especially their love of Night Kite)! Sooner than later Agnes finds out who Jake really is and its a good thing because their world is quickly evolving and is at risk to turning into a bunch of goo. Definitely a great read for those who want quirky characters, action/chaos, and humor blended throughout.
  • Miles Morales: Shock Waves by Justin A. Reynolds and illustrated by Pablo Leon
    • Another great graphic novel for middle grade readers! I loved Leon’s illustrations and the mix of fresh references to current dance moves and phrases. It was so quick-paced that I read it in one sitting. I think all superhero fans will enjoy this new addition to the graphic novel world.
  • How to Resist Amazon and Why: The Fight for Local Economies, Data Privacy, Fair Labor, Independent Bookstores, and a People-Powered Future by Danny Caine
    • My boss at my indie bookstore position gave this book to me on my first day of training. I was so thankful to receive it and eager to read more about why people should resist Amazon. Danny Caine, the owner of The Raven Book Store and author of this book, dives deep into the many ways Amazon has spread itself through so many facets of the world today. I was in shock learning about the stats of work-related injuries at Amazon warehouses compared to other warehouse positions. Also, the fact that Amazon owns SO much of what we use day-to-day. The way it has made a huge and negative presence in the book industry is also jaw dropping. It was great seeing an out of town customer buy this book at our bookstore after reading this book. If you want to support small businesses and learn why you should resist Amazon, please read this book.
  • BFF or NRF?: A Girl’s Guide to Happy Friendships by Jessica Speer
    • This was a great guide for girl’s to learn how to have happy and healthy friendships. I loved that each section had a quiz or way to reflect personally and then quotes from real girls and their experiences. This is laid out in a way that is friendly for young girls but not too easy where it seems redundant. This would be a great gift for 4th-middle school aged girls!
  • Racing Ace: Drive It! Fix It! by Larry Dane Brimner and illustrated by Kayloni Juanita
    • This is a new Acorn series published by Scholastic. I’ve read a few Acorn series and I definitely think that this has potential, but it may not be as attention grabbing as others. This had a lot of simple text and repeated text which makes me want to recommend this for K-2. The illustrations were adorable though.

Shop the books above and support me and local Indies:

Have you ever read any of these books? Share with me what you are reading below!

Xo, Sierra

5 thoughts on “It’s Monday! What Are You Reading? #imwayr [10.25.21]

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  1. White Smoke does sound good, Sierra. I’m glad you’re enjoying your bookstore time! I just read a piece about Amazon often firing employees if they take some days off when they are ill. I didn’t know about that book & put it on my list! Thanks, & enjoy this week ahead!


  2. Amazon is a truly evil example of the horrors of global capitalism. I was talking with friends a while ago about how we used to have mail order companies that had outlet stores in small towns. They provided employment for local people when a full on store couldn’t be sustained. (Browsing through their catalogues at Christmas was one of the highlights of the year.) In my small community Amazon serves the same purpose without contributing one iota back.


  3. I will be curious to hear your big news next week, Sierra! And these books sound excellent—the book on resisting Amazon sounds like an extremely valuable read, and White Smoke sounds like an excellent YA novel. BFF or NRF? sounds like it will be helpful to a lot of kids as well. Thanks so much for the great post!


  4. I am also not really a fan of Amazon, it is the choose least option for me. Several of your other books look good too. I really enjoyed the Miles Morales graphic novel. Weird Kid and White Smoke look particularly intriguing. Thank for the post, and have a great week!


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