A Very Merry 12 Days of Bookmas: Day 6

The best Christmas present I could receive is a book, or should I make that plural because I would love all the books. Who wouldn’t? So to celebrate this merry little holiday… let’s switch it up and celebrate with a countdown to Bookmas! My hope is you will find some fantastic books that you could gift to a young reader, teacher, or middle grade reader at heart.

Day 6

My review / graphic novel / mystery / 7-12 y.o.

Hi there, I’m Sherlock Bones.Who is Sherlock Bones, you ask? Well, I don’t like to brag, but my trusty side-kick Watts says Im the greatest detective in our whole museum. Don’t you, Watts? Watts…? Sherlock Bones and his sidekick, a stuffed parrot named Watts, live in a natural history museum. So when the precious Royal Blue Diamond goes missing, they are first on the case. What they don’t expect is Grace, a silly, new-to-the-scene raccoon who keeps getting in the way. Even worse, Bones and Watts learn that if the diamond isn’t recovered, the museum could (GASP!) close! Can they find the diamond before they’re forced to find another home?

My review / nonfiction / history / 8-14 y.o.

Myths! Lies! Secrets! Smash the stories behind famous moments in history and expose the hidden truth. Perfect for fans of I Survived and Nathan Hale’s Hazardous Tales.In 1620, the Pilgrims landed at Plymouth Rock and made friends with Wampanoag people who gave them corn. RIGHT?WRONG! It was months before the Pilgrims met any Wampanoag people, and nobody gave anybody corn that day.Did you know that the pilgrims didn’t go straight from England to Plymouth? No, they made a stop along the way–and almost stayed forever! Did you know there was a second ship, called the Speedwell, that was too

leaky to make the trip? No joke. And just wait until you learn the truth about Plymouth Rock.

Nonfiction / archaeology / 8-14 y.o.

Secret treasures are buried all around us — you just have to look for them! Accidental Archaeologists takes you on an adventure through time to relive some of the coolest surprise discoveries by totally ordinary people all over the world. Meet:- The cowboy who found an ancient skeleton
– A famous king buried underneath a parking lot
– The team who found New York City’s hidden African Burial Ground
– A boy who finds the Dead Sea Scrolls while looking for his lost goat
– And many more.

Packed with incredible stories and expert tips for making your own exciting finds, this is an accessible, action-packed introduction to the world of archaeology.

Historical fiction / women / 8-12 y.o.

Celebrate the centennial of the Nineteenth Amendment with another historical novel about women’s suffrage from the author of The Hope Chest! Bridie’s life has been a series of wrongs. The potato famine in Ireland. Being sent to the poorhouse when her mother’s new job in America didn’t turn out the way they’d hoped. Becoming an orphan. And then there’s the latest wrong–having to work for a family so abusive that Bridie is afraid she won’t survive. So she runs away to Seneca Falls, New York, which in 1848 is a bustling town full of possibility. There, she makes friends with Rose, a girl with her own list of wrongs, but with big

dreams, too.Rose helps Bridie get a job with the strangest lady she’s ever met, Mrs. Elizabeth Cady Stanton. Mrs. Stanton is planning a convention to talk about the rights of women. For Bridie and Rose, it’s a new idea, that women and girls could have a voice. But they sure are sick of all the wrongs. Maybe it’s time to fight for their rights!

Do any of these captivate your eye or make you think of the perfect person to gift it to? I’d love to know!

Xo, Sierra

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